Saturday, May 10, 2014

Big Boy Bed!

Tuck got his big boy bed put up today!  And when I say "big" it's "BIG"!  Especially for such a little guy.  But, he'll grow into it...too fast.  Didn't have the new quilt we got for it because I noticed a stain.  Got that fixed.  That and the bed rail up (that's a long drop! 😣)....mama's feeling he's gonna do just fine.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to an Easter Egg hunt in one of the neighboring towns Saturday.  Tucker was a pro!!  He went  in knowing exactly what to do.  Unfortunately Mama tried to get some videos and in her stupidity she wasn't recording when she thought she was and was recording when she thought she wasn't (in all the chaos).  Oh well.  At least we have another hunt this coming Saturday.  She won't make that mistake again!  Sorry about all the "butts" in the pictures :0)

I will have to wait to post the "videos" I mentioned earlier.  Neither Blogger or Youtube want to cooperate right now :0(

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Just a LOT of Pictures from the Past Four Months

I know it's been a while but, here's just a whole lot of pictures from the past four months.  Forgive me if I don't "caption" them.  I'll try and get them in order.  WELL...update...Right now,  I'm having a hard time finding where my picture file (from my camera) ended up after I transferred my files from my old computer.  Until I find them, I'll have to post pictures from my phone.   Again...apologies.

 I had to post these two from when we were visiting Eemaw and Babaw.  If you'll notice, poor little Joey is looking for her stairs to get up on the couch.  See where they were?

 This little guy LOVES his Batman boots!  Wears them all the time!!  Thank you Eemaw!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Fest

We went to a Halloween festival where there was a costume contest (which Tuck didn't win even though he was the cutest kid there).


 The two Buzzes meet.  Which one is the imposter?

